Saturday, April 1, 2017

Delightful Dish Cloth

I created these super quick and easy cloths for the men in my life; my husband and twin boys.

The cloth is made in multiples of 3's, so you can tailor it to your desired measurements.  This pattern measures approximately 8" x 8".

I used Lily Sugar N Cream cotton yarn and a 5.00mm, H/8 hook.

***HDC is created by - yarn over, go through chain, yarn over, pull up a loop, yarn over, pull through all 3 loops on your hook.

Ch. 30
*Row 1 - Half Double Crochet into 3rd Chain from hook and each Ch across.  (27 stitches total)
*Rows 2-20 - Turn work, Ch 2.  HDC into 3rd Ch from hook and each HDC across.  

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