Thursday, March 30, 2017

Lofty Loops Neckwarmer

This Neckwarmer is made by using the "V" stitch.  It is so super easy to create, that you can have it made and another one started in less than 1 hour.

*#6 Bulky Yarn (approx. 90 yards)
*N - 9 mm Hook
*Yarn Needle

*Ch. 53
*Row 1 - Dc in 4th from hook.  Ch. 1.  Dc into same stitch.  Skip 2 chains.  Repeat  *Dc, Ch.1, Dc, Sk. 2* until next to last chain.  In last Ch.  spaceDc.
*Row 2 -  Turn work, Ch. 3, Repeat *Dc, Ch1, Dc, Sk2* into the V space of  the previous row of Dc.
*Rows 3 - 8 - Repeat row 2.  At the end of row 8, Ch.1,  Before you bind  off, leave a long enough tail to whip stitch your work together.  Sew in the  ends.  Turn your work inside out.  The finished seam will be on the inside  of your work.

***Dc, Ch.1, Dc, into the same stitch is your "V" stitch.

***Another version if this pattern.  Begin with a single crochet chainless foundation.  After row 8, Ch.1. Sc across til the end.  Ch.1. Leave a long tail, sew work together.

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