Tuesday, July 4, 2017

The Scoodie

I love this pattern!  It was my first time doing a long double crochet and while I am still not sure I am doing it correctly, I love how it turned out.

Lofty Loops Studio

If you are on Facebook, join this group Crochet M@ssy Buns & Beanies - Free Patterns Only.  There is a wonderful lady by the name of Cindy who has been helping many crochet these scoodies.   Cindy has her own Facebook group where she gives further instruction so please join here trendy crochet hats messy buns & crafts share ideas & patterns techniques.
Lofty Loops Studio

Lofty Loops Studio

The original pattern, which I will share below, can be found here Firestorm Fox Scoodie – Crochet Pattern.

***I and others have been using whatever yarn we have from a light #3 yarn to #4 up to bulky.  So use whatever you have, whatever you like.  Add more stitches here and there if you like.  Adjust the length of the scarf.  This pattern is easily adjustable.

– 2½ skeins of bulky weight yarn in color A. (I used Lionbrand Homespun in Wild Fire)
– Small amount of bulky weight yarn in color B. (I used Lionbrand Homespun in Deco)
– Small amount of bulky weight yarn in color C. (I used Lionbrand Homespun in Black)
– Size K (6.5mm) Crochet Hook

ch = Chain
sp(s) = space(s)
st(s) = stitch(es)
sl st = Slip Stitch
sk = Skip

sc = Single Crochet
sc dec = Single Crochet Decrease
hdc = Half Double Crochet
dc = Double Crochet
fpdc = Front Post Double Crochet
bpdc = Back Post Double Crochet
RS = Right Side
WS = Wrong Side
FO = Finish Off
Special Stitches:
Ldc – Long Double Crochet Linen Stitch: Work a double crochet (dc) in the st indicated one row below the previous row worked. This stitch will be worked around the previous row worked. (Also see Extended Moss Stitch)
To Change Color in Dc: Yarn over and draw up a loop in the last st of the row, yarn over and draw through 2 lps, drop the color in use; with next color to be used, yarn over and draw through 2 loops on hook. Continue with new color.
Gauge:6 Ldc and 6 ch = 5″
5 rows = 2″
Worked in the Extended Moss Stitch pattern.
Fox Scoodie:
Hood:With A, ch 35
Row 1: Sc in 2nd ch from hook, sc across to end of row, sc in same st, turn work upside down,
(work the next set of stitches in the other side of the foundation chains) sc across to end, turn. (69)
Row 2: ch 3 (counts as dc), * ch 1, sk next st, dc in next st* repeat to end, turn. (69)
Row 3: ch 2 (counts as hdc), *Ldc in sk st below the next ch sp, ch 1, sk next st* repeat to end, turn. (69)
Row 4: ch 2 (counts as hdc), ch 1, sk next st, *Ldc in sk st below the next ch sp, ch 1, sk next st* repeat to last st, hdc in last st, turn. (69)
Row 5 -8: Repeat Row 3 & 4 Twice. FO.
Scarf & Hood:Continue with A, ch 55
Row 9: (These stitches are worked across the hood) Join with hdc to end of row 8 on hood, *Ldc in sk st below the next ch sp, ch 1, sk next st* repeat to last st, hdc in last st
ch 55, turn. (69 st, 110 chs)
Row 10:(These stitches are worked in chs of scarf) ch 1, hdc in 2nd chain from hook, hdc up length of scarf (55 chs),
(These stitches are worked across the hood) hdc in first st of hood, ch 1, sk next st, *Ldc in sk st below the next ch sp, ch 1, sk next st,* to last st of hood, hdc in last st,
(These stitches are worked in chs of scarf) hdc in each ch of scarf (55 chs), turn. (179)
Row 11: (These stitches are worked across scarf) ch 3 (counts as dc), dc in next st, ch 1, *sk next st, dc in next st, ch 1 repeat up length of scarf (55),
(These stitches are worked across the hood) sk first st on hood, ch 1, *Ldc in sk st below the next ch sp, ch 1, sk next st* to end of hood,
(These stitches are worked across scarf) dc, *ch 1, sk next st, dc* repeat down length of scarf (55), turn. (179)
Row 12: ch 2 (counts as hdc), *Ldc in sk st below the next ch sp, ch 1, sk next st* repeat across scarf and hood to last st, hdc in last st, turn. (179)
Row 13 -25: Repeat Row 12.
Row 26: ch 1, sc in first st, *Ldc in sk st below the next ch sp, sc* repeat across scarf and hood to last st, sc in last st. FO. (179)
Pockets (Do for each side of scarf):Row 1: With WS facing and continuing with A, sc 20 evenly across bottom of scarf, turn. (20)
Row 2: Ch 3, dc, *ch 1 sk next st, dc* repeat to end, turn. (20)
Row 3: Ch 2, *Ldc in sk st below the next ch sp, ch 1, sk next st* repeat to last st, hdc, turn. (20)
Row 4-19: Repeat Row 3.
Row 20: ch 1, sc in next st, *Ldc in sk st below the next ch sp, sc in next st* repeat to last st, sc. FO. (20)
Front Trim:Start in left side of scarf with RS facing in front edge, fold over pockets and sc in both layers for pockets.
Row 1: With B, sc in 50 sts, hdc, dc in 77 sts, hdc, sc in 50 sts. FO.
Row 2: Sl st 2 sts from hdc of Row 1, sc in next st, hdc in hdc, *fpdc, bpdc* repeat across 77 dc, hdc in hdc, sc, sl st. FO.
Back Trim:Start in right side of scarf with RS facing in front edge, sc in both layers for pockets.
Row 1: With C, sc evenly around back edge of scarf and hood.
Ears (make 2 in A, make 2 in B):ch 11
Row 1: Sc in 2nd ch from hook, sc 9, ch 1, turn. (10)
Row 2: Sc dec, sc in next 6 sts, sc dec, ch 1, turn. (8)
Row 3: Sc in each st, ch 1, turn. (8)
Row 4: Sc dec, sc in next 4 sts, sc dec, ch 1, turn. (6)
Row 5: Sc in each st, ch 1, turn. (6)
Row 6: Sc dec, sc in next 2 sts, sc dec, ch 1, turn. (4)
Row 7: Sc in each st, ch 1, turn. (4)
Row 8: Sc dec twice, ch 1, turn. (2)
Row 9: Sc dec. FO. (1)
Match up WS of color A and color B ears, sc through both layers.
With A, sc across 10 chs, 2 sc in corner, sc in each of the next 7 rows, change to C, sc in Row 8, 3 sc in top corner of Row 9, sc in Row 8 on other side, change to A, sc in each of the remaining 7 rows, sc in same st as first st. FO. Leave long end to sew ear to hood.
Sew ears to hood.

Thursday, June 29, 2017

A Summer Wrap

A Summer Wrap is made using Double Trebles and Chain 2's.

For this pattern, I used Herrschner's Heritage Cotton Yarn (a linen color).  Color #0119730017  It is a cotton/poly blend.  www.Herrschners.com 

Approximate Dimensions:  24" wide by (crochet to desired length)

***Click the video below for quick DTR tutorial.


*Loosely chain 120 plus 5 more chains
(Ch. 5 counts as a double treble (DTR))

*DTR into 6th Ch. from hook.  (You will work in the same chain for the next stitches)
*DTR again into that same stitch (6th from hook) and Chain 2
*DTR 3 more times into the same chain, then Chain 2.

**Skip 10 Chains**

*DTR in the next chain (11th CH).  Do 2 more DTR's into the same Chain for a total 3DTR's.  Then Ch.2.  Do 3 more DTR's into the same Chain for a grand total of 6DTR's.  Ch.2.

**Skip 10 Chains**

*3DTR, Ch.2, 3DTR*, into next chain, skip 10 chains, Repeat Pattern
(*3DTR, Ch2, 3DTR, Sk10) until you reach the end.

*Chain 2, Turn Work, Slip Stitch into the previous Chain 2 space (in between the 3DTR's), Chain 5.  Do 2 more DTR's into the same Chain space, CH2, 3DTR's.  Chain 2.

*Repeat this pattern until the end, *3DTR, CH2, 3DTR into previous Ch2 Space, CH2.*

*At the end of each row Ch2, Turn Work, Slip Stitch into Ch2 Space, Chain 5 and Repeat*

Monday, May 8, 2017

The Double Duty Caddy

I created this Caddy for my husband to hold his glasses, telephone, and the remote control.  It is made to fit between the mattress and bedspring.
Turns out, it doubles nicely as a couch caddy.

I made this caddy (I call it the "Daddy Caddy") because my husband has this bad habit of asking me to put his glasses on my bedside table because he doesn't want to move out of his comfy position in bed to put them on his bedside table.  I am hoping this caddy is a game changer, but I am not holding my breath.

Worsted Weight Yarn (I used Red Heart Super Saver)
Recommended Hook Size (I used a G-6 4.25 b/c I crochet loosely)

**Chain 2 (turning chain) counts as a HDC.


Main Body:
*Row 1 - 42 HDC (half double crochet) Chainless Foundation
{{Chain 42 plus 2 more, turn work, ch 2.  HDC into 3rd Ch. from hook and ea. ch. across.  Turn work, Ch.2}}
*Row 2 - Turn work, Ch. 2. HDC in 3rd from hook and each HDC across til end.
*Rows 3 - 88 - Repeat Row 2.  Do not bind off.

*Count to row 68.  Fold row 69 over to create a pocket.  Sc crochet along the side, across the bottom of the pocket and back up the other side.  Bind off.

Large Pocket:  22 rows
*23 HDC Chainless Foundation (ch 23 plus 2, turn work, ch 2, hdc into 3rd from hook).  Leave long enough tail to attach to main body.  Approx. 2.5-3 yards.

Small Pocket:  12 rows
*23 HDC Chainless Foundation (ch 23 plus 2, turn work, ch 2, hdc into 3rd from hook).  Bind off, sew in ends.

Turn pockets perpendicular instead of horizontal and attach to the main body pocket.

If you have any questions, Message me at Lofty Loops Studio Facebook Page.  

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Pattern Roundup! 7 Amigurumi Bunny Crochet Pattern Links

Amigurumi is the Japanese art of knitting or crocheting small, stuffed
yarn creatures. (Wikipedia)

Just click on the links to the upper left-hand corner of each photo.  The link will take you to the free crochet pattern.  Two of the free bunny patterns include video tutorials.  One of the free bunny pattern tutorials includes 3 outfit video tutorials.  (so cute)  Please be sure to visit each site, check out their amazing patterns.  Also, please like and share this post.

Many thanks,



Carrot Dress Pattern Here 


Spring Time Dress Pattern Here


AmigurumiToGo boy outfit Here


Monday, April 3, 2017

Alert! Pattern Round-Up. 24 Free Crochet Pattern Links Using Caron Cakes

Whether you love Cakes, Pop, Mandala or Sweet Yarn - Here are 24 Free Crochet Patterns Using the Self Striping Caron Cakes Yarn.

*There are YouTube 'How To' Videos Included in 2 of the Free Patterns.
**All Links are Highlighted for your convenience.
***Please be sure to visit each site, check out their amazing patterns.  Also, please like and share this post.

Many thanks,

Gemstone Lace Toddler Poncho

 Dragon Fly Ponch - child & adult sizes 

Raggedy Stitcher

Slouchy Beanie

Angel Cakes Shawl

Ocean Waves Scarf

Desert Winds Scarf

Open Air Market Scarf 

Toddler Poncho

Triangle Shawl/Scarf

Pocket Full of Posies Vest - Adult

 Ring Around the Rosie Vest - Child 

Gemstone Lace Shawl

Messy Bun Beanie

Baby Booties & Blanket

Simple Shells Slouchy Beanie

 Caron Cakes Cowl -Includes how to video

Alpine Nights Beanie - Child & Adult Sizes

Matching Alpine Nights Super Scarf

 Super Faeri Scarf


 Simply Cute Hat

 Winter Spider Crochet Infinity Scarf

Frosted Layer Cake Shawl - Includes How To Video